Fact Sheets on the Indicators of the Tool for Identifying Psychosocial Risk Factors in the Workplace

This collection of fact sheets, which was prepared in response to numerous requests for simple and accurate information on psychosocial risk (PSR) factors in the workplace, is intended to serve as a practical tool for occupational health workers as a whole. The fact sheets were drawn up by experts from the Équipe de prévention des risques psychosociaux du travail et promotion de la santé des travailleurs (Team for the prevention of psychosocial risk factors in the workplace and the promotion of workers’ health) of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), in collaboration with the Groupe scientifique sur l’impact des conditions et de l’organisation du travail sur la santé (Scientific panel on the impact of working conditions and work organization on health), made up of researchers and specialists in the field.

These fact sheets supplement the Tool for Identifying Psychosocial Risk Factors in the Workplace, whose use requires comprehensive training also developed by the INSPQ. 

Since the fact sheets provide information on each of the 12 indicators that can be assessed using the tool, they are particularly helpful for preparing preventive action plans. The collection contains a Summary Fact Sheet on the Use and Indicators of the Tool, as well as 12 other fact sheets on the following topics:

  1. Work context and prevention measures in place
    1. Job and work context
    2. Illness absenteeism and presenteeism
    3. Occupational health activities or policy
    4. Activities or policy against violence and harassment
    5. Return-to-work activities or policy
    6. Work/life-balance activities or policy
  2. Key components of work organization
    1. Workload
    2. Recognition at work
    3. Social support of immediate supervisors
    4. Social support of colleagues
    5. Decision-making autonomy
    6. Information and communication

Readers can also consult this collection of fact sheets on the Web site of the INSPQ and download each one in PDF format. Online training on the identification and prevention of psychosocial risk factors in the workplace is available on the Web site as well: Risques psychosociaux au travail : de l’identification à la prévention (French only).

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