Infocentre de santé publique – PNS tab

Several surveillance indicators have already been developed in Québec. The Infocentre de santé publique1 disseminates hundreds of them2 related to the health status of the population and its determinants, i.e. those described in the Plan national de surveillance (PNS) (MSSS, 2016b).

Because the Infocentre disseminates statistics from several data sources, it is a good place to launch research. Several mental health indicators are already available, in particular on the proportion of the population experiencing a high level of psychological distress or high everyday stress, and the population that does not perceive itself to be in good mental health. A fact sheet indicates, by way of an example, details of the calculation method and certain limitations linked to the indicator. Other indicators could also be relevant to pre- and post-disaster comparisons, e.g. on lifestyle habits (medication use, drug use, alcohol use, and so on). Table 2, Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 list the indicators of interest with respect to post-disaster surveillance drawn from the major surveys of Statistics Canada and Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) that are disseminated by the Infocentre.

The Infocentre produced a methodological framework of the indicators of the PNS (Infocentre de santé publique, 2015). The guide describes most of the data sources used in the Infocentre portal. To avoid duplicating the information, this toolkit only lists the data sources available from the Infocentre (Table 6). The full definition of the data sources is available in the Cadre méthodologique des indicateurs du Plan national de surveillance (Infocentre de santé publique, 2015).

The Infocentre portal can be accessed according to different profiles (INSPQ, 2018). At present, only health and social services network (HSSN) staff can access the portal:

  • Staff who conduct surveillance in the health network and who must be authorized by their immediate superior and the organization’s senior executive. Unrestricted access to all results without masking and to all cross-tabulated variables (profiles 20 and 30).
  • Staff engaged in tasks other than surveillance. Access is occasionally restricted to avoid cross-checking tables that can lead to the risk of disclosure of personal information or when data are deemed overly imprecise (profiles 40 and 50).

It should be noted that monitoring indicators also exist, in particular syndromic surveillance, which are disseminated on the Infocentre portal (see section 2.4 for more details).

Table 6 - Data sources for which the indicators are disseminated by the Infocentre de santé publique*
  • Population estimates and projections database;
  • Quebec vital events registry, compose of 3 databases:
  • Birth database;
  • Stillbirth database;
  • Vital statistics death database;
  • Quebec tumors registry (FiTQ);
  • Census and National Household survey (NHS);
  • Hospital inpatient and day surgery database (MED-ÉCHO);
  • Hospital discharge abstract database;
  • Work injuries database;
  • Database from youth center and youth welfare center (“clientèle des centres jeunesse/protection de la jeunesse (CJ-LPJ”) and annual statistical reports from youth center;
  • Health insurance registry (FIPA);
  • Physician claims database from RAMQ;
  • Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS);
  • Quebec Survey of Child Development in Kindergarten (QSCDK);
  • Québec Health Survey of High School Students (QHSHSS);
  • Quebec Population Health Survey (QPHS);
  • « Enquête sur la violence familiale dans la vie des enfants du Québec (EVFVEQ) »;
  • « Étude clinique sur l’état de santé buccodentaire des élèves québécois du primaire (ÉCSBQ) »;
  • Quebec Survey of Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and gambling in High School Students (ETADJES);
  • Quebec Air Emissions Inventory (IQÉA);
  • Quebec integrated chronique disease surveillance system (QICDSS).It uses data from:
  • Health insurance registry (FIPA);
  • Hospital inpatient and day surgery database (MED-ÉCHO);
  • Vital statistics death database;
  • Physician claims database from RAMQ;
  • Pharmaceutical services database;
  • Quebec air quality monitoring networks (RSQAQ);
  • Québec Breast Cancer Screening Program Information System (Si-PQDCS);
  • TOXIN database from quebec poison control centre;
  • National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI);
  • Waterborn disease (notified to public health department, to the MAPAQ and compiled in the ECLOSIONS database);
  • Potable water system for boil and non consumption notice;
  • Charlemagne system for ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES) Indicator;
  • Occupational health database (SISAT);
  • Mensual statistics from three welfare programs of ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (MTESS);
  • Info-Santé et Info-Social Web System (ISISW).

* Data sources available from the Infocentre de santé publique in 2018.

  1. The Infocentre portal is only accessible to staff in the health and social services network:
  2. The Infocentre presents the indicators in the form of statistical tables (no raw datum is disseminated).