Blood-Borne Infection Risk Assessment Unit

To contact us

For more information or to request an assessment, call SERTIH at this confidential toll-free number:

You can leave a voicemail message. The SERTIH team has sole access to the mailbox.

You can also contact us by email: [email protected]

Who is eligible for the service?

The Blood-Borne Infection Risk Assessment Unit (Service d’évaluation des risques d’infections hématogènes – SERTIH) is intended for healthcare professionals and students in Québec (hereinafter referred to as “caregivers” who have one or more blood-borne infections and who perform exposure-prone procedures. SERTIH provides a mechanism to assess the risk for caregivers to transmit a blood-borne infection to their patients in the course of their practice or internship.

Do you have a blood-borne infection

If you are a caregiver who performs or will perform exposure-prone procedures, you have the ethical and professional obligation to know whether you are a blood-born infection carrier (human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), or hepatitis C virus (HCV)). If you have had a positive diagnosis in the past or recently, you must immediately communicate with SERTIH in order to obtain a risk assessment and recommendations for your professional practice.

The following professions and training programs may involve exposure-prone procedures: 

  • Medicine
  • Dental medicine
  • Dental hygiene
  • Midwifery
  • Nursing and auxiliary nursing care
  • Surgical podiatry
  • Pre-hospital emergency care (paramedics). 

Do you currently practice one of these professions and are unaware of your health status? 

Get yourself screened, and if one or more of your results are positive, contact a doctor and SERTIH immediately. We will provide you with assistance to determine whether changes are needed to maintain safe practice. 

Are you a blood-borne infection carrier who currently practices one of these professions? 

Contact SERTIH to learn more about the risk of transmission in your practice and whether your situation should be assessed. 

Are you a blood-borne infection carrier who intends to practice one of these professions? 

Contact SERTIH as soon as possible. A member of our team will explain whether or not your situation needs to be assessed.

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