Genital warts

Anogenital warts (AGWs) are a very common disease. They are caused mostly by low-risk human papillomaviruses (HPV) 6 and 11, particularly the former. Clinical presentation is mostly of growths in the areas of friction of the anogenital region. The treatment is classified as patient/home applied or administered by a professional. In cases with atypical presentations or resistance to recommended therapies, great care should be taken to establish a differential diagnosis taking into account normal anatomical variations, infectious etiologies, precancers and cancers, as well as benign dermatological growths. The prevention of AGWs can be achieved by the use of the quadrivalent prophylactic HPV vaccine administered prior to sexual debut, as well as the meticulous use of condoms. Where coverage of the quadrivalent vaccine has been high, marked reductions in AGWs are being seen in young women of vaccine-eligible age, as well as in young males (as herd immunity effect).
Authors (Zotero)
Steben, Marc; Garland, Suzanne M.
Date (Zotero)
October, 2014